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Allergies? How Duct Cleaning Can Help You Enjoy the Springtime

If you’re one of the many people sufferings from allergies during the springtime, you know just how miserable it can make you. And while there are many ways to treat your symptoms and reduce their severity, one of the best solutions is often something that most people overlook- best duct cleaning Melbourne. Here’s what you need to know about the connection between indoor air quality and allergies, why it’s so important for your home, and what to expect from a professional duct cleaning service.

Common Allergic Reactions During Spring

Spring is a time for renewal and rejuvenation. The warm weather brings with it blooming flowers, fresh fruit, and the return of outdoor activities. But for many people, spring also means allergies!

Allergic reactions can be caused by a variety of irritants including pollen and dust mites; mould spores in the air; pet dander that has been stirred up by warmer temperatures; cockroach droppings (yes–they’re everywhere). Unfortunately, these allergens don’t stay put as winter winds down: they tend to hang around until things start drying out again in late summer or early fall.

The Connection Between Indoor Air Quality and Allergies

Allergies are an unpleasant and sometimes debilitating condition that affects millions of people every year, but there is a way to reduce your symptoms: indoor air quality. Indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air and can carry allergens like mould spores, bacteria, dust mites and pet dander into your home.

What’s more? You might not even realise how much time you spend in your home! Most people spend about 90% of their time indoors so it’s important to keep the air clean if you want to enjoy springtime without sneezing or wheezing all day long.

If you’re looking for ways that best air duct cleaning services can help improve indoor air quality for allergy sufferers like yourself then keep reading!

best duct cleaning Melbourne

How a Duct Cleaning Service Can Help

A duct cleaning service can help you breathe easier this spring. The HVAC system in your home is responsible for providing you with fresh air and removing hot or cold air from the house. However, this system is not always as effective as it could be because it collects dust mites, allergens and bacteria over time.

The result? You may find yourself sneezing more than usual when spring finally hits!

A professional duct cleaning service will be able to remove these allergens from your HVAC system so that you can enjoy cleaner air throughout the year. Additionally, they’ll also be able to remove any mould and mildew that might be present within your ductwork–something that’s especially important if someone in your family suffers from asthma or other respiratory problems

What to Expect From a Duct Cleaning Service

When you hire a professional duct cleaning service, they will clean the air ducts and vents in your home. They’ll also clean the air handler that distributes conditioned air throughout your home. In addition to this, they may also clean the supply registers (the vents that bring fresh air into each room of your house), as well as return registers (the vents that send warm/cooled air back out into the hallway or stairwell).


If you have allergies, it can be difficult to enjoy the springtime. But with a little help from best duct cleaning Melbourne service, you can breathe easy again. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Call us today or fill out our online form for more information on how we can help improve your indoor air quality and get rid of those pesky allergens once and for all.