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Carpet Cleaning Perth

3 Types of Stains for which you need Deep Carpet Cleaning

If you have just bought a new carpet, knowing about some general carpet stains and the effective methods to remove them is useful.

Today, we will discuss these basic stains and DIY methods for deep Carpet cleaning Perth.

1. Cooking Grease Stains

Cooking grease can stick to your fabric forever if not cleaned on time and in an effective manner.

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All you have to do is:

Step 1: Gently scrap the excess oil with a knife or paper towel without pressing it

Step 2: Absorb the moisture by spreading some baking soda or cornstarch over the grease stain. Leave it as it is for 15 minutes and vacuum the spot thoroughly.

Step 3: If the stain is still there, add a few drops of warm water and dishwashing liquid. You can even pour the entire mixture over the carpet and gently brush back and forth.

2. Chocolate stains

NOTE: Don’t wash coffee, candy, or tomato stains with warm water as the sticky texture can become a permanent stain on the carpet with the heat. Or simply hire the professional Carpet Cleaning Association WA for better results.

When it comes to removing coffee stains, you need to clean the carpet from the backside. This way, chocolate can be saturated from the fabric.

Step 1: Put some paper towels on the floor and ensure that the stain side of the carpet is placed on them.

Step 2: Mix dishwashing liquid with some ammonia along with water and stir it well.

Step 3: Grab a cloth, dab it on the solution, and gently blot it on the stain from the back. This will transfer the chocolate into the paper with the help of the solution.

Step 4: If this doesn’t work, pour some hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse it.

3. Vegetable and grass stains

Step 1: To remove the leftover vegetable or grass stain, vacuum as much as possible. Use a clean towel to blot the excess moisture.

Step 2: Apply some laundry detergent on the stain and put some pressure on it. After that, rinse it with water and continue the blotting.

Step 3: Apply ammonia and water solution and blot again.

Step 4: Pour some white vinegar if the stain still doesn’t go. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it with water then blot it dry.

One of the easiest ways to remove any type of carpet stain is to hire the best Carpet Cleaning Association WA.