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5 Function Room Decoration Ideas for Your Next Event

5 Function Room Decoration Ideas for Your Next Event

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a function room? 

Is it an empty space with a few chairs, tables and maybe some food? 

If so, its time give you some ideas for decorating function rooms in Melbourne and bring your event up a notch! Let’s show you how!

1. Open plan kitchen in the middle of the room

The open plan kitchen in the middle of the room is a great feature for any event. Guests can watch their food being prepared and see it being cooked, making it feel more like a homely environment. This can also be used as a buffet table where you can serve up your food to guests.

2. A colourful tablecloth

A colourful tablecloth is a great way to make your event stand out. They can be used for any occasion, from weddings to birthdays and even corporate functions.

If you’re hosting an event in a venue like Hotel Collingwood that’s larger than usual, or if it’s going to be held outside where the weather might not be so nice, then using a plain white tablecloth may not always be ideal. If this is the case then choosing something more colourful will help add some much-needed brightness and sunshine into your decorating scheme!

5 Function Room Decoration Ideas for Your Next Event

3. A grand fire

A fire at function rooms in Melbourne is a great way to create a cosy atmosphere. It’s also a great way for your guests to keep warm and cook food on, if you want them to be productive!

Create a cosy atmosphere by hanging curtains around the room’s perimeter and creating an area where folks can sit down and chat privately (or in small groups). This is a good way to create private areas for small groups, but also an intimate setting for those who want to get away from the crowd.

4. High seats and low seats for an intimate setting

High seats and low seats are great for creating an intimate environment. High seats are good for groups of people, while low seats are better suited to individuals or small groups.

High seats can be used in informal meetings, while low seats work better with formal ones. You can also ask for personalised setting from the venue such as Hotel Collingwood to consider adding a few high chairs if you’re planning on serving food at your event. 

They’re perfect for helping guests get comfortable while they eat!

5. Decorate with food-themed décor pieces

Decorate with food-themed décor pieces, such as wine barrels filled with grapes and bunches of fresh herbs or fruits. You can also decorate your tables with freshly picked flowers or leaves from trees around the venue that are in season.


We hope you’ve found these tips helpful and that they will help you decorate function rooms in Melbourne a memorable event in your function room. Remember, it’s all about creating a comfortable experience for your attendees–so if you want to go all-out with decorations or keep things simple with just some flowers on the tables, it’s up to you!
